
  • All Sponsors Will Receive The Following:
    • Your Company Logo displayed at the ABSAR office and on the ABSAR website, (www.absar.org).
    • Be listed as a sponsor in the newsletter. The newsletter is mailed to all ABSAR members,sponsors, ABMA members, and anyone else who requests it.

    The yearly sponsorship categories are as follows:
    Diamond: $50,000
    Ruby: $25,000
    Emerald: $10,000
    Sapphire: $5,000
    (All prices in EC Dollars.)
    Please note: If you can provide us with a needed service, instead of or as well as a monetary donation, we will also accept that as a form of sponsorship. We hope that you will join ABSAR knowing that you will be helping to save lives in Antigua & Barbuda.

  • Make a contribution towards our "Wish List".
    Contact us to make arrangements for a wire transfer or a credit card transaction.
    If you prefer to make a financial donation online, please follow the link below:

    Make a donation Other ways to give